jueves, 2 de junio de 2016


Sports share a high degree of affinity with the art. Disciplines such as skating or tai chi, are very close to artistic spectacles in themselves sports. Traditional activities like gymnastics and yoga, most recently as bodybuilding, and street activities like tricking the street workout and also share parkour elements of sport with artistic elements [citation needed]. The fact that art is so close to sports in some situations is probably related to the nature of sports. Sport set defining the idea of ​​executing an activity not only for the usual purpose; for example, not run just to get somewhere, but run their own volition, in order to maintain fitness. This is similar to a common vision of aesthetics, which includes objects beyond their usefulness. For example, value not bring a car from one place to another, but by its form, shape, etc. Similarly, a sport like diving valued not only as an effective way to avoid obstacles; also they have the ability, skill and style.

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